Why Plans Do Not Have Free Wifi?

Why Plans Do Not Have Free Wifi?

How do they get the Internet from 35,000 feet above the ground?. The same satellites are used for TV and weather forecasting. The plane gets the signal from the neareast satellite orbiting the Earth at the moment using an antenna on top of its fuselage. The satellite then passes the information between the ground and the plane. Back then, it couldn't cope with a lot of traffic. There's an antenna underneath the plane that gets a signal from the cell towers on the ground. Since the airplane is moving at a high speed, it continuously connects to whichever towers are closest to avoid interrupting the browsing. So the whole plane basically becomes one huge hotspot, and an on-board router distributes the Wi-Fi signal to the passengers. They can not only check their e-mails, but make phone calls, browse their social media, use their favorite online apps, or even watch movies! It all happens at a regular 3G speed, just like on the ground.

So, the satellite systems are also still used to keep you on the grid while in the air. They've become way more advanced, and now run on two bandwidths: narrowband and broadband. Still, only broadband allows passengers to stream movies; the narrower options aren't powerful enough. The US currently has a more developed infrustructure It sounds pretty awesome to stay connected and get some work done while flying, yet some people don't find this idea all that brilliant. They would argue that planes have basically become the last tech-free space where you can just unplug and free your mind from the ever-present beeping and avalanche of content coming your way. If you take your work on board and send business e-mails, then you’re risking losing your company’s data, as well. And if you’re not afraid of losing data, there’s also always a chance of getting a virus or malware on you gadget. By the way – do you use public Wi-Fi often, or do you think it’s not that safe? While more and more airlines are offering inflight Wi-Fi, a lot of people complain it's too slow. This is because the tech that’s necessary for the inflight Wi-Fi systems is super expensive, and airlines don't replace it as often as you replace your gadgets.

So while you get an upgraded phone every couple of years, the planes' systems are in use for five to ten years, and simply can't catch up with the ever-growing number of users and their gadgets' capabilities. And as for grumbling about the high price for the service, consider this: Inflight Wi-Fi providers claim it's going to get better and better. But meanwhile, Play a game And I don’t mean an app on your phone, but an actual game that involves reaching out to other people; they could be your travel companions, or just the guy in the seat next to you. Most popular board games, from Backgammon to Taboo, have a pocket or travel version you can bring along. You could also buy a book of crosswords, word searches, or other puzzles. If you don’t like carrying any extra stuff, good old “charades” or “guess who” are still just as fun. You could also try out some plane-related games. For example, you can look for different shapes in the clouds and make up a story connecting them all. Another idea is trying to guess what city or country you're flying over, then open the map that's available on many flights and see who was right. And, if you're crossing countries, you can start a «who can do the best accent of this country» competition.

It gets pretty hilarious. Edit content for your social media If you're going home from vacation, you probably have tons of pictures you're planning to share with your friends online. You can also create good long captions in your notes; no one has time for that on vacation, right? Or, you can make room for new pictures on your phone by going through and deleting any unwanted ones. Organize your laptop. Does your desktop have over a hundred folders on it, 50 of them named «New Folder» or «Sort later»? You're not alone. Why not take care of this chaos while you don't have anything else to do? Listen to a podcast One thing they have in common is that you most likely never have the time to listen to them while on the ground. So download them before getting on the plane, and enjoy learning something new while looking at the clouds. Write a journal Two things that prevent a lot of people from writing a journal are lack of time, and distractions. So, when you have time, but no distractions around you, you can put the details of your latest trip on paper before you forget them; or write down your expectations for the trip that's just starting and later compare them to reality. Do some last-minute organization In case you packed in a rush, go through your carry-on and rearrange it in a more organized way.

If you didn't have the time to plan your trip day by day, use a paper guide or an offline app to read about the place you're going to and make plans. You can also think over a budget for the trip, or learn a few useful phrases in the local language. Hallo, where is bathroom please? Treat yourself to some skincare There's also facial massage, and even some stretching exercises and yoga poses you can try right in your airplane seat. I think that learning how to juggle three balls, right there, might be a good conversation starter, especially when you need their help to get them back after you drop one or two balls under your seat.